What is the difference between the ports?
Winder SNov 28, 2022

Windscribe supports connections on the following ports:

  • 21
  • 22
  • 53
  • 80
  • 123
  • 143
  • 443
  • 500
  • 587
  • 1194
  • 3306
  • 8080
  • 8443
  • 54783
  • 65142

There is no difference between each of the port options in terms of security. Since many networks have heavy restrictions on which ports you can use, Windscribe does not restrict you to a single port, in order to give you the best chance of connecting. We allow you to connect via the most common ports, many of which cannot be blocked since using the Internet would become impossible if these ports are blocked.

You can select which port your connection uses in the desktop or mobile apps by heading to Preferences > Connection and changing the Connection Mode to Manual. There you can select your connection Protocol and Port. Keep in mind that not all protocols will support all the ports. For example IKEv2 can only function over Port 500.